Monday, December 19, 2011

No Sun... 'Til Solstice!

The countdown has begun... only 50 more hours until Winter Solstice and the return of the Sun.   It's funny how winter doesn't "officially" start until December 22, but here in Alaska, that is our first "un-official" day of spring:)   I am now in the very depths of the deep and dark winter, but will soon be emerging on the sunny side!   

In the meantime...

My very first loaf of sourdough!   It was delicious!   I'm currently "working" my second loaf.   I think the next one is going to be even more awesome.   Pretty-Pretty is really maturing into a healthy and active starter!   Bubble, bubble!  

Tonight I revamped my staple food with sourdough by making... Bean Pizza!   It was a mix of pinto and black beans (re-fried) baked on sourdough crust.  Yum.   

Cooking said pizza brought the temperature in my cabin to an unprecedented high for the winter... wow...

The Healy Hurricane Winds have been particularly wild as of late, and have prompted a lot of indoor time for me.   Never have I puzzled so hard in all my LIFE.   I think my skill in puzzling has increased... level up!  

I finished the mosaic Arc puzzle in a matter of days, and have moved on to the next one.   It does have "1 piece missing" though, so I have the advantage!

Besides puzzling... knitting of COURSE.  I received my replacement needle, and have resumed my old project... hooray!

I finished my Wilkie Collins book today... it was rather entertaining to be sure.   He pretty much invented the genre of "suspense fiction".   

And, don't forget movies!  I've probs watched more movies in the past week than I have in years past... no lie!   If you like RomComs, and have Netflix, may I suggest "TiMER"?   It's cute, thoughtful and filled with really attractive people... what more do you want!?!?

Today the weather took a turn for the mild, so maybe I can get outside more?   Karen let me borrow her snowshoes... so who knows!?!?   

Time to make my OWN trails...

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