Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Full Moon, Fire and Fresh Snow

Wow, it's been a whole week since I last blogged.   Guess I was busy with shoveling snow, cooking beans, knitting and puzzling.   Well, hello again!

Good day to you!   The daylight hours (few as they may be) seem to grow in beauty with each passing day.   I don't feel as though I can call any time of day "sunrise" or "sunset", as I haven't actually seen the sun in about two weeks.   So "daylight hours" it is!

I'm on day 58 of NOT seeing a MOOSE.   Don't I live in Alaska!?!?!  
It's sad.
I spoke with some friends today that drove up to Fairbanks last week, and saw not one, not two but FOUR MOOSE on the drive up and back.   WTF.    
SO, anyway, I had trouble sleeping the other night, so I went to work making my very own moose...

I'm no sculptor, but it's really quite fun making snow sculptures.   This is more of a reductive piece since it's way easier to make a huge pile of snow and then chip away at it, than to try and mold fresh, dry snow:)  

Here's what he looked like the next morning after another snow shower...

I accomplished a new cabin living task today... refilling my propane tank!  I wasn't too nervous about disconnecting the tank, since well, it was empty.   I was a little more nervous about the full tank however.   I put it in the backseat of my car on the drive back home, and it was making these creaking sounds from the temperature change.   The whole drive I just kept imagining it exploding and all the metal shrapnel ripping into my skull.   Next time it's going in the trunk:)   

Guess what the first thing I cooked was?   If you guessed BEANS, you win!

I just learned today that the Chevron gas station in Cantwell (town about 40 miles south of me) burnt to the ground after a propane explosion a little over a week ago.   No one was killed thankfully.   A woman I met through work received severe burns to her head and hands, and is recovering in a hospital down in Seattle.   Pretty crazy.   I'm glad I hadn't heard of that before I refilled my propane, or I'd just be chewing on uncooked beans right now.   

It still surprises me sometimes that I can live in such a small community, but because it's so spread out I don't hear about major events right away.  

In less catastrophic news...
I'm almost finished with my puzzle!   One last section to go... and it's tough.   But tomorrow is the day!

Ernesto finally found my yarn...

Good night all...

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