Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Mountain, Maizura and Mini, Moose and a Merry Christmas!

Merry Holidays to everyone!   I didn't spend mine alone, so all the better for me:)  Maizura and Jersey invited me up to their place again for Christmas.   It was awesome.   

First... the drive up started off just lovely.   I was treated to a vision of splendor with the sun setting behind Denali, the Great One... I haven't seen her since the fall...

The drive from Nenana (about half way to Fairbanks) was a little rough through the hills.   It was pretty much totally dark by then, and the snow was really coming down.   I'm constantly surprised by the varying types of weather I drive through over a 120 mile stretch.  Anyway, despite the weathers' attempts I made it safely to Jersey and Maizura's and was greeted with hugs, warm tidings and a mug of Rasputin beer:)

Needless to say, dinner was AMAZING!   No, I didn't partake in the prime rib.   Mini relinquished my seat, and I enjoyed the risotto with mushrooms and salad... OMG, SALAD... so good!   

I had awoken on Christmas Day to find Santa had not visited me:(   Maizura showed me that he had left my gifts at their place instead!   I guess Santa is pretty much their neighbor, so it makes sense he'd save himself some time and just leave my gifts there...

The holiday spirit must have spiked the cider, as Maizura and Mini were surely full of cheer...

Oh Catnip!

The weather cooperated on the drive back home to Healy, and the roads were clear.   Another beautiful winter sunset... well, the sky pretty much always is in sunset...

AND... in wonderful holiday cheer, I was granted one last gift... of MOOSE!   About 10 miles south of Nenana I spotted two dark apparitions in the darkening night on the side of the road.    As I got closer I made out the shapes of one big bull moose (sans antlers) and a smaller, possibly female moose.  It was wonderful!  Just seeing them there for a few seconds was enough to renew my spirits.   Moose still exist!  

In puzzle news... this new one is a DOOZY!  Sounds silly to say, but my strategy is to go piece by piece and match up the pictures:)   Going by color doesn't get me too far...

The holidays are but one occasion,
to receive a fine salutation.
Such kindness has no label,
I'll throw your cards down on my table...

Next stop: 2012

See you then!

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