Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Mountain, Maizura and Mini, Moose and a Merry Christmas!

Merry Holidays to everyone!   I didn't spend mine alone, so all the better for me:)  Maizura and Jersey invited me up to their place again for Christmas.   It was awesome.   

First... the drive up started off just lovely.   I was treated to a vision of splendor with the sun setting behind Denali, the Great One... I haven't seen her since the fall...

The drive from Nenana (about half way to Fairbanks) was a little rough through the hills.   It was pretty much totally dark by then, and the snow was really coming down.   I'm constantly surprised by the varying types of weather I drive through over a 120 mile stretch.  Anyway, despite the weathers' attempts I made it safely to Jersey and Maizura's and was greeted with hugs, warm tidings and a mug of Rasputin beer:)

Needless to say, dinner was AMAZING!   No, I didn't partake in the prime rib.   Mini relinquished my seat, and I enjoyed the risotto with mushrooms and salad... OMG, SALAD... so good!   

I had awoken on Christmas Day to find Santa had not visited me:(   Maizura showed me that he had left my gifts at their place instead!   I guess Santa is pretty much their neighbor, so it makes sense he'd save himself some time and just leave my gifts there...

The holiday spirit must have spiked the cider, as Maizura and Mini were surely full of cheer...

Oh Catnip!

The weather cooperated on the drive back home to Healy, and the roads were clear.   Another beautiful winter sunset... well, the sky pretty much always is in sunset...

AND... in wonderful holiday cheer, I was granted one last gift... of MOOSE!   About 10 miles south of Nenana I spotted two dark apparitions in the darkening night on the side of the road.    As I got closer I made out the shapes of one big bull moose (sans antlers) and a smaller, possibly female moose.  It was wonderful!  Just seeing them there for a few seconds was enough to renew my spirits.   Moose still exist!  

In puzzle news... this new one is a DOOZY!  Sounds silly to say, but my strategy is to go piece by piece and match up the pictures:)   Going by color doesn't get me too far...

The holidays are but one occasion,
to receive a fine salutation.
Such kindness has no label,
I'll throw your cards down on my table...

Next stop: 2012

See you then!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sourdough, Sirius and Solstice

Merry Winter Solstice to all!   Time stands still for but a moment on this the shortest day, just to continue back towards the light.   I should get a full 25 seconds more sunlight when next it rises... how thrilling!   Where'd I put my sunscreen?

Loaf #2...

AND... another puzzle finished.   I better slow down or I'm going to run out of puzzles before this winter is up!   Can you spot the missing piece?:)  

I've started yet another puzzle, in the style of a mosaic.   The pictures are so tiny on this one, I think it'll present quite a challenge.   One of the little pictures is reminiscent of my sweet plant, Jizzelle, that I left in Portland... say hi to her from me please Noah:)

The night sky has been amazingly clear and bright and spectacular lately.   I go outside and get into my stargazing seat...

I've learned where some of the major constellations are.   Also, I've never seen the Milky Way with such clarity as I have in the past few nights.   Marvelous!   The brightest star in my winter constellation is Sirius, or the Dog Star.   The dog days of winter are here again!   

Sirius is the bright star in the bottom of the picture.   I wish I could take better pictures of the night sky, but my camera just isn't up to the task.   What I really need is a telescope I guess...

Monday, December 19, 2011

No Sun... 'Til Solstice!

The countdown has begun... only 50 more hours until Winter Solstice and the return of the Sun.   It's funny how winter doesn't "officially" start until December 22, but here in Alaska, that is our first "un-official" day of spring:)   I am now in the very depths of the deep and dark winter, but will soon be emerging on the sunny side!   

In the meantime...

My very first loaf of sourdough!   It was delicious!   I'm currently "working" my second loaf.   I think the next one is going to be even more awesome.   Pretty-Pretty is really maturing into a healthy and active starter!   Bubble, bubble!  

Tonight I revamped my staple food with sourdough by making... Bean Pizza!   It was a mix of pinto and black beans (re-fried) baked on sourdough crust.  Yum.   

Cooking said pizza brought the temperature in my cabin to an unprecedented high for the winter... wow...

The Healy Hurricane Winds have been particularly wild as of late, and have prompted a lot of indoor time for me.   Never have I puzzled so hard in all my LIFE.   I think my skill in puzzling has increased... level up!  

I finished the mosaic Arc puzzle in a matter of days, and have moved on to the next one.   It does have "1 piece missing" though, so I have the advantage!

Besides puzzling... knitting of COURSE.  I received my replacement needle, and have resumed my old project... hooray!

I finished my Wilkie Collins book today... it was rather entertaining to be sure.   He pretty much invented the genre of "suspense fiction".   

And, don't forget movies!  I've probs watched more movies in the past week than I have in years past... no lie!   If you like RomComs, and have Netflix, may I suggest "TiMER"?   It's cute, thoughtful and filled with really attractive people... what more do you want!?!?

Today the weather took a turn for the mild, so maybe I can get outside more?   Karen let me borrow her snowshoes... so who knows!?!?   

Time to make my OWN trails...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I Am a Rock, I Am an Island

A winter's day,
in a dark and deep December.
I am alone, gazing from my window to the ground below,
on a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow.

I realized today that I needed to see the sun.   I know, I know, who am I right!?!?   But I admit it... I needed sunshine.   After really thinking about my last blog and the fact that it's been TWO WEEKS since I last saw the actual sun, it had to be done...   
Road trip!

I made the Nenana bridge at a little past noon, and the sun never made it over the mountains and clouds, but I was close!   It amuses me to read the sunrise and sunset chart and see where it says, "the sun will be directly overhead at 12:23 PM".   The sun is NEVER directly overhead these days.   

Anyway, the Nenana continues to freeze up.   It was really FREEZING being near the river.   The temperature at my house was a little over 0°, however it must have been at least -15° over the Nenana.   Brrrrr.   

I continued my drive south...

I finally managed to catch that bright orb in the sky before it set a little south of Creekside... 

I soaked up the sunlight like a sprout in the springtime!

Upon getting home after my reinvigorating sun soaking... I conquered my puzzle!   Voila!  

On my journey to Alaskanism I've embarked down the road of SOURDOUGH.   As you may know, sourdough played a large role in the pioneering days of Alaska.   Old time Alaskans are even known as "Sourdoughs".   I've made my first sourdough starter!   Well, it's actually my second.   My very first attempt was a fail, as I was unable to keep the starter warm enough to LIVE.  

Now, I have an active, healthy (and happy I hope) starter!   Her name is Pretty-Pretty...

I even made my first bread from her... biscuits in the shape of moose (and a blob?)...

They're not the best biscuits as I have no milk or butter or other such yummy ingredients, HOWEVER, the awesome Pretty-Pretty sourdough well made up for anything lacking:)

Sourdough is a pretty awesome pet/friend to be sure!   It's way more fun than that cat that lives with me.

I have my books,
and my blog to protect me.
I am shielded in my armor;
hiding in my room, safe within my cabin,
I touch no sunlight, and no sunlight touches me...