Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Healy Heatwave in my Heart

The last day of November!   Welcome.   I felt like I was already in the depths of winter, although it's still only autumn.   Now, with these high temperatures, I feel like I went back in time a few months.   OR, forward in time to spring.   

Check this OUT...

Thirty ABOVE 0°  Wow.  The temperature has increased 60° in the past four days.   Pretty much summer.   Breaking out the flip-flops, tank top and trucker hat!   Heck ya.   Seriously though, it feels legitimately WARM out now.   I almost feel a little robbed of my winter splendor.  I was settling into the bitter cold slow down.   Now, I feel rather revived and ready for... for... well, I don't know, but I'm ready!   However, I KNOW the bitter cold is coming... perhaps on the wind!   

Now the wind brings the warmth up from the south, and with it, takes my hoar frost!   

The high winds have also knocked all the clumps of snow from the spruce trees and created a moonscape in my yard...

OH, so two nights ago I was REALLY excited as the Aurora forecast was "active" at a 4 out of 9.   The sky was clear and cool, and I had high hopes.  At about 10 PM there was a little activity, but it died down pretty quick.   I stayed awake until about midnight, but still nothing.   So heavy-hearted I went up to my loft to fall asleep.   I awoke at about 3 AM, and could see a bright yet diffused light in the sky north/east of my cabin.   I shook the sleep out of my brain, and went down the ladder to check it out.   Aurora WAS active, but she was now covered with a thick layer of clouds.   I tried to take some pictures, however the effect is not as interesting as I would have hoped...

In news NOT weather related... I'm starting a new puzzle!   This puzzle looks pretty intense.   Every piece appears to be a unique shape, and most look nothing like what I think of when I think "puzzle piece".   I'm pretty excited to see if this puzzle is going to be totes awesome or just push me over the edge of insanity...

Well, I'm going to go head outside with my slippahs, sunscreen and lawn chair and take advantage of this indian summer...

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