Sunday, November 27, 2011

Candy Drawer, Frosty-Hoar and So Much More!

It's MULTIPLYING and GROWING!  My cabin is starting to morph into some strange looking cave dwelling plant.   Or it just looks like it has a skin disease.   Ew.  

Happy Thanksgiving!   Let's talk turkey!   Or, in my case, I'll talk about a lovely winter squash stuffed with wild rice and cranberries.   Yum!   I spent the holiday up in Fairbanks with my wonderful friends Jersey and Maizura.   The latter made me a wonderful selection of veggie friendly fair... and how!  

My delightfully gorgeous hostess...

And likewise devilishly handsome host...

Watch out!  Turkey really brings out the ANIMAL in Maizura...

It was truly nice to spend time some place other than my cabin, and also talk to people other than myself!   Maizura even has two cats that actually do something other than hide.  I forgot they can do that!   

Also... I'm not the only one with frost on the inside of my windows!   Seems pretty much every Alaskan home has some frost inside the windows.   I feel better...

I've been feeling lately as though my days are getting away from me.   It could be the sunlight slipping away a little more each day.   Seems the more time I have to "waste" the more time I WILL waste.  Eh, tomorrow I'll TOTALLY get more done...;)

Here's some animal sightings around my cabin today...

First... birds!  Including, Gray Jay on a stick!

Who's digging around behind my outhouse??  Is it a wolf, a coyote or a husky?
You decide...

Last night Aurora came out to play a little!   She was just hanging out on the horizon most of the night, with only a few playful licks above the treeline.  Not the best pictures, but I did notice how sweet the big dipper is just posted in the sky right above my porch.  This was rated a 2 out of 9 on the activity scale for Aurora.   Bring on a 9!

So, just last night this was the temperature...

Now, get out your swimsuits and flip-flops, it's time for a HEATWAVE!  Here's the current temperature...

Like, WOW.   The reports say it's supposed to heat up to over 20 degrees!  Hello global warming!  

I'm ready to picnic!

Package of the Week from Walt...

Citrus, books, pancake guy, football and more pixie sticks and bubble gum than an army of children could consume!   Love it baby:)  I know what I'm filling the magpie feeder with!  Yikes!

AND finally... wish you were here Mattea.................

1 comment:

  1. Love your thanksgiving pics and glad you got a cool care package and omg candiiiiies. mmmmmmmm. I had an emergency starbar tonight (which technically cost me healy prices of $1.57).. it was an emergency. and glutton free veggie pesto pasta (it's good, I was going to save it) and vietnamese salad (you might've not liked it - had meats in it... ya know). anyway I miss you much and I think your alaska pictures are lovely and you're lovely. I turned in a "big deal" paper today (whew!)... otherwise just... still work working. and school schooling. and miss missing you. we should skype sometime? I think so. ok. love love smooch moose love xoxoxoxo
