Saturday, November 19, 2011

Winter Ambitions and Frozen Ignitions

The needle keeps dropping on the thermometer, and with it my morale.   Okay, being over dramatic again:)  However... these -10° or lower temps are noticeably different than even the 0° to -5° ones.  My car surely noticed the difference...

Yesterday I woke up a little earlier than usual with the hopes of driving over by the Park entrance and doing some wandering around by Horseshoe Lake.   I plugged in the block heater on Darla and ate some breakfast and drank some delicious coffee and watched the sun rise.   After a few hours, I was ready to go!   I unplugged old Darla and attempted to turn her engine over.   The key slid into the ignition, but try as I might, I couldn't turn it.   I pushed the clutch in and out, turned the wheel, played with the shifter... nothing.    Frozen.  Now began my Macgyveresque attempts at unfreezing the ignition.   Long story short, let's just say the tools involved a heat lamp, matches, candle, heating pad and my warm breath.   Nothing... that is, besides me getting my tongue stuck to my car key... sorry, no pictures available:)

Cue my hero... my neighbor Audrey!   She came over today with two sled dogs and a magnificent HAIR DRYER.   I blasted the ignition on high heat for about two minutes and voila... we have ignition!  

Everyday certainly brings new lessons for me.   Lesson learned: open your mind more!  Hairdryers are NOT just for prissy girls that want to style their hair.   Audrey only had one to apply plastic over the windows of her cabin:)   I've definitely come to appreciate pretty much ANYTHING that creates heat.   Note to self: buy a cheap lighter!   

No, your eyes are NOT playing tricks on you... that IS frost on the INSIDE of my window!   Like, whoa, it's COLD.   Next note to self: get some foam window edging!  

A positive outcome of all my freeze induced immobility is that I finished some sweet slippers for my poor cold, frostbitten feet...

The cold is really affecting my feet more than any other of my extremities to be sure.   I wear double wool socks in my bunny boots, and after only about 15 minutes outside, my toes are FROZEN.   Yikes!   I've been doing a nightly baking soda bath for my sorry looking feet... but as you can see, the facilities are pretty ghetto...

Dear Santa, this year instead of a crystal growing kit, how about a... 

Other than frozen cars and feet, I'm holding up okay.   Everyone thought I'd go a little cuckoo living alone in a cabin in Alaska, HUH, how silly.   I'm perfectly normal... oh, hold on Bean Face Man, can't you see I'm trying to finish my blog?  I know, I know, it's dinner time... 

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