Sunday, February 19, 2012

Naked, Green-skin Facts-O-My-Life

First things first... MOOSE!   Yes, I FINALLY saw moose in more than just a passing way on the side of the road at night.   Albeit, the moose were by, and then IN the road, however it WAS during the day AND I got to stop and commune with them for a time.  MOOSE!:)

I'm glad these beautiful beasts weren't hanging out in the road when I drove on the highway last night.   I guess it must be nice to walk on the asphalt after trudging through four feet high snow drifts though.

As for other wildlife, a snowshoe hare stopped by my cabin earlier, all dressed in his white winter formals...

And a new bird stopped by my feeder... I think it's a female red pole, as the male with his red splashes was in a nearby tree.

Today was another clear, amazing day in Interior Alaska, so I decided to take Belle out on the Triple Lakes Trail.   I think maybe dogs aren't allowed, but who could tell?   

We only got as far as the first of three lakes, but it was a lovely hike!  

We just followed the ski and caribou tracks to keep on the trail.   I was thankful for the skiers that preceded us, as the caribous decided to take a shortcut that I might have attempted to follow through three foot deep snow...

I did my best to keep Belle from tearing up the trees on the trail, but that dog will NOT be stopped!   She's a stick addict if ever I've met one...

The sun has set, and now we're home relaxing.   I finished my latest puzzle... Anchorage, Alaska as a cartoon map!   

It has pretty much every business in the city, as well as fun facts such as this...

Random stuff...

This boat afloat on a sea of snow made me laugh on my last walk...

The snow drifts at my summer job are pretty crazy... good thing I won't have a fuel delivery for a few more months!

In sad pinball news, Steve Kordek passed away today.   So go out and enjoy multiball, drop targets and motorized flippers in his name!   POP!

In less sad news, I recently came across the Rabbit Ears audio book of Davy Crockett as read by NICOLAS CAGE.   Ya, it's pretty much the greatest thing EVER.   Find it, listen to it, laugh yourself silly!

And finally... MOOSE!

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