Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Buried in Snow, Birds Say Hello and Belle with a Stick to Throw

Home to Healy!   It was a lovely sunny and "warm" day for a drive.   Maizura and I (with the help of her cat Jingga) managed to wrangle Ernesto into his carrier without too much fuss...

Now he's warm and cozy back hiding in his spot in the loft.   Maybe I'll see him again soon?  It'd be nice to actually see him outside of his crate.

My sweet little cabin felt SO welcoming after my absence!   It didn't burn down OR freeze up too much.   Although the dish soap did show some evidence of frost...

The neighborhood birds were welcoming as well!   Hello Gray Jay and Magpie!  Or maybe they were just hungry...

With the warming weather and sun, all the snow around and on the cabin was melting pretty quick.   While I was settling Ernesto back in, I heard the scary sound of huge chunks of snow and ice sliding off the roof...

I decided it was time to shovel!   As I was removing snow from my driveway ten minutes later, I heard another avalanche coming off my roof...

Good thing I waited to shovel the outhouse pathway!   If you don't hear from me for a while, you know where to look for me...

A chunk of ice that fell off the roof strangely resembled a dog...

And for the real thing... Miss Belle!

I'll be dog watching for a few weeks, first Belle, and in a couple of days, Miss Tilly as well.  Dogs... what fun!

It's okay girl, we'll have a great time... seriously, you're stuck with me for a while...

I'm not so bad... I can throw STICKS!

I swear, never in my life have I met a dog that LOVES fetching more than Belle!   It's insane.   

Time to drink some tea and relax, maybe knit a little... oh... more fetch??   Really??   OMG

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