Monday, January 14, 2013

Despondent in 20-Bakers-Doz

Only my second winter in Alaska, and I'm really FEELING the lack of sunlight.  This winter so far has less Aurora, less snow and I have less vitamin D.  I still have my knitting, puzzling, kitties and my boyfriend... so all is not lost!

Can you believe this is the FIRST puzzle of the winter!?!?   I guess that's what happens when I actually have someone to hang out with:)

Hadley has been enjoying her first winter in Healy.   She has been particularly enjoying the warm spell we've had for some weeks now.   The snow is slowly melting away, and the ground's not TOO cold for her little kitty feet...


Though I think her favorite part is warming back up in front of the heater....:)

Back to knitting!   I finished my sweet over-size hat... now all I need is some dreadlocks to fill it...


  1. Love the hat, love the model. Thanks for all! M.

  2. So beautiful and adorable to see my immortal beloved. How I miss thee so.
