Thursday, August 15, 2013

Finally FLOWER!

Not so much flowerS... just flower...

It only took ALL SUMMER, but finally one of my nasturtium plants produced a single flower.  I really WANT to eat it... however I feel that I should let it bloom freely for at least another day or so:)  

In words from The Little Prince, or Le Petit Prince, or even yet, Chhota RajKumar...

"People where you live grow five thousand roses in one garden... yet they don't find what they're looking for... and yet what they're looking for could be found in a single rose..."

My indoor nasturtium can only dream of flowering one day, right now it's just trying to stay warm and get some sun and not be eaten by ravenous cats...

I was happy today to see many baby trees where all our trees had been cut down.   Maybe in a few decades we'll have some trees back...

Life is so beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. The woman named Iris gave birth to the goddess,
    in her son who can't say her name,
    because of all the pain.
    I miss you, but I'm glad you're gone...
    I want you but I'm not alone...
    I'm haunted by you...
    But I'll get you gone if it takes me all my life long.

    Take back the pain you gave me,
    take back what doesn't belong to me.
    Take back the shame you gave me,
    take back what doesn't belong to me.

    I'm Irish, I'm English, I'm Moslem, I'm Jewish,
    I'm a girl, I'm a boy,
    and the goddess meant for me only joy.
    And real love requires you, give up those loves,
    whom you think you love best...
    Love puts you through the test...
    And only loyal love will be me happiness.

    Take back the rage you gave me,
    take back the hatred you gave me for me.
    Take back the anger that nearly killed me,
    take back what doesn't belong to me.

    And real love requires you give up those loves,
    that you think you love best...
    Love put you through the test.
    Only loyal love will bring me happiness.

    Take back the pain you gave me,
    you take back what doesn't belong to me.
    Take back the blame you gave me,
    Take back what doesn't belong to me...
    Take back what doesn't belong to me...
    Take back what doesn't belong to me...
    Take back what doesn't belong to me.
