Monday, April 22, 2013

Games of Throne

Happy Earth Day!  Mother Nature is finally turning the tables on Winter.   The last of the icicles are melting off of the roof.  The gravel roads are turning to MUSH.  And my sprouts look so green and beautiful and happy...

With the weather being so lovely and with the fact that Walt and I are moving onto our new land in 5 days, we got out there to do some prep work.  First, we dug out a driveway!  The snow is getting pretty melty and mushy and cuts like BUTTER, so it didn't take too long to get it done.   Who needs a plow truck?:)

Next, and probably most important, we got to work on our awesome Compost Outhouse!   The main building was mostly already up, so we just needed the insides, one wall and a roof.   Let the games begin!

We don't have any electricity out there, so using tools was a little tricky.  We were able to borrow a cordless drill... which didn't have much of a charge.   So cutting the seat hole was a little more work than we anticipated...

Turns out, I really ENJOY using a handsaw!  So, in less than an hour of work, we had a HOLE!

We only had to buy the plywood, and then we just used scrap wood that was already on the property for the rest of the project.   Saw, saw, saw...

At the finish of the day, we ended up with a throne fit for a king!   The King of Poop anyway:)

Now we just need to add some finishing touches... like some toilet paper?

The cats have truly been enjoying the reemergence of the sun and relative warmth.   Hadley has been venturing out more and more.  Today she brought home her first vole of the season!   Alive!   Hurray?   Ugh.

I spent a good part of my morning chasing the silly thing around the cabin while Hadley attempted to re-catch it.   We both failed.  Now both Hadley and Ernie are patiently waiting for it to pop back out...

WAIT, what was that!?!?!??!?!!

So, I guess we have a new pet vole!  Soon to be a new pet ghost vole I think... *sigh*

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