Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's Baaaaaaack...

May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii,
Garlands of flowers everywhere,
All of the colors of the rainbow,
Maidens with flowers in their hair.


May Day is Snow Day in Alaska,
Snow and ice everywhere,
All shades of white and grey,
Trees with frost on branches still bare.


Due to the ever lingering winter here, the June Creek move has been postponed for a couple more weeks.  Not only is it kinda miserable living in an unheated cabin in this weather, but it's kinda depressing as well.   I'm having a hard time motivating myself to continue work on the new place.   Who wants to saw wood and hammer nails in driving snow and wind?
Not me.

The nasturtium sprouts look hopefully towards the thin sunlight while wondering what they possibly did wrong in a past life to be planted in Alaska.

Sorry guys!

Ernie concurs with the plants... winter... *bleh*


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