Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring... into Beer!

Yes, it's here OFFICIALLY... SPRING!  The Vernal Equinox!  Combined with Daylight Savings Time, the days feel long and bright.   I can't even see the stars until past nine at night now.  Pretty crazy.   

So, although we've gotten more snow in the past few "spring" days than most of the winter, and it's slated to be -20° tonight... I still can't be made sad by the long winters here when I wake up and look outside to this view...

Back in Portland... I would go out to my neighborhood bar off Hawthorne Blvd, and the bartender, Kip, would have my Lagunita's Cappuccino Stout poured for me before I even made it up to the bar.   I loved the stuff.  Upon moving to Alaska, my beer choices have been a little more abbreviated.  After house sitting a while back for our home-brewing friend Steve, he asked, "Would you rather get paid in money or beer?"   We of course said beer.   One day while Steve was up in Fairbanks, he discovered a small stock of Cappuccino Stout, so he bought one to try out.   After tasting it, he proclaimed, "I can do better."   With Walt's help, he brewed up an AMAZING Coffee Stout, that in accordance with his claim, IS better than Lagunitas:)  Walt got the honor of naming the brew, which is called Cuchulain (Cu for short) in honor of St. Patty's day and the greatest of Irish heroes. 

SO, that's how I ended up with a dangerously large stockpile of beer...

Closing Shot...

While playing pool the other night, the balls ended up on the table in such a way that all the stripes were on one side, while the solids were on the other... 

P.S. I totes won this match;)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Si (x) Cuse Me, Se (v) En Sent

Seven years ago today, I was waking up after my first night of Boy Eats Drum Machine, and I haven't yet gone back to sleep...

Here's a video of a classic BEDM jam, "Introduction B".   If you look closely you'll see my lovely sister rocking out in the audience.   Yours Truly is worshiping a little off camera...

40+ shows later, and I'm still not over it:)


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Shed Wars?


Now... let's see what we bought...

Hmmm... a gas grill... a coffee maker... some empty cans of air freshener...

What about over here...

An old TV with a 12 inch screen... a DVD player... an iron... five broken flash lights and some old coats...


Well, I think the most valuable item in the shed would have to be the lovely toilet themed toilet paper holder with "The Schmidts" on it...

OH no, WAIT, well lookie there, a new in package ATT Go Phone!   Score.  

Monday, March 11, 2013


My kitties are ADORABLE.  

I Was Thinking Today...

While sipping my morning coffee and working on a crossword puzzle, I watched the smoke from the wood boiler pouring out over the spruce trees in the yard.   

I wondered... do the living trees feel a sense of fear and dread having to breath in the smoke of their dead comrades?   Every day of their lives in the winter, do the trees worry that there's a forest fire approaching?   

Now, it's hard for me to enjoy my breakfast as what was once a lovely, peaceful winter scene, now seems like an impending tree Holocaust.

Is it spring yet or what??


I'm still amazed at the little animals that remain active all winter long.  They are truly an inspiration to me:)


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Miles From Nowhere...

Guess I'll take my time... 
Oh yeah...
To reach there.

Miles from nowhere...
Not a soul in sight...
Oh yeah, but it's alright.

I have my freedom...
I can make my own rules...
Oh yeah, ones that I choose.  

Miles from nowhere...
Guess I'll take my time...
Oh yeah...
To reach there...

Emo Bartender's Black Skinny Jeans Say...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Our Own Slice of Heaven...

 Welcome to June Creek, my future new home!   Walt and I secured ourselves a beautiful parcel of Alaskan splendor!!!!!   I'd been looking for the perfect spot for a while now, and then, POW... here it is!  It might seem rather sudden, but I know a good thing when I see it, and this could not be passed up.

Here're some pictures from a couple of weeks ago...

 The previous owner also sent us some pictures from the summer so we know what to expect once all the snow melts:)

 We're going to have to wait till it warms up a bit to move onto the lot, as the cabin and camper have no heat, but really, I can't WAIT!  

If anyone has any desire to come up to Alaska and help build something, please come on up!   Yurts, log cabins, cob structures, stone castles, underground bomb shelters, whatever you fancy!   Need a place to string your hammock?   We got lots of trees!   

More pictures to come, and of course you'll have to stay tuned for:

June Creek Journeys 

Happy March!