Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hadley and the Big Breakup

Breakup is officially official...

Monday April 23, 2012 at 7:39PM

The earliest date I cast a vote for was the 30th, so I didn't win any of the record jackpot of $350,000.   Oh well... it's a true crap shoot when you gamble against nature!  It's just been warm, warm, warm... melt, melt, melt...

There's currently a little after breakup ice blockage on the Nenana by Denali.  Nothing you could walk over, like there was my first season up here... shhhh, don't tell, I didn't know any better...

Here's a look back at the Nenana through the winter...





As the river flows, all the previously frozen water is on the move...

With the weather and climate being so lovely these days, the kitties have enjoyed some outdoor time... on a leash of course!   I only have one harness, and two cats that want a taste of the wild, so they have to take turns...

                                              Ernesto just says, BIG YAWN...

With another beautiful weekend in Denali, comes another trip into the Park!  This time... avec chat!   Hadley got to experience the awesomeness that is Denali National Park.   She was a little confused about the car ride, but she really enjoyed getting outside and smelling the new smells and rolling around in the new dirt...

Who ever said dogs are more fun than cats?   They haven't met Hadley:)

As much fun as Miss Hadley had on her big adventure, she was happy to get back to her handsome boyfriend...

MIGRATION UPDATE: I JUST saw the first birds heading north for the summer as I was writing this blog!  I'm not sure what they were... swans perhaps? LIFE is officially returning!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

House of Cat Special Edition Post!

Hadley is truly manifesting her named destiny as Elizabeth Hadley Richardson, first wife to Ernest Miller Hemingway.   The cat versions, Ernesto and Hadley couldn't be more smitten AND adorable...

Every day, Ernesto surprises me with some behavior that was totally unprecedented just a few months ago...

Snicks is still much more interested in getting outside than she is in poor Ernesto...

Well, it's nap-in-the-sunshine time at House of Cat.   Sweet dreams of birds and cat nip and snacks and birds as snacks...

Top 25 for the Meltdown

Drip... drip... dripdripdripdrip...

Spring has definitely sprung... a leak!   Where once there were fields of snow, there are lakes...

Snow banks are quickly changing into fast flowing rivers...

And Dry Creek... not so dry these days...

                            Then...                                               Now...

The picnic bench that Amy swore was in her yard is finally showing its self...

It's just simply fascinating to me seeing life before all the snow slowly being exposed.   So THAT'S where I left my pliers!   Wow, I was walking over a barbecue grill all winter!   Crazy.

The old paths of snow appear to have become half frozen waterways teaming with multiplying single cell organisms...

Morning moose!

Mid-day moose!

Tilly and I went for a ride through the Park this weekend.   The meltdown continues, however there's still plenty of snow...

Some of the snow banks are still taller than Tilly...

The bears still aren't out and about yet.   Probably a good thing, as they wouldn't have a whole lot to eat... besides lots of snow!

Here's a print from a local artist that is pretty much my life.  I wasn't able to get the entire picture in one shot, so I shoddily tried connecting the two pictures:)  Shout out 808 and 907!

It's titled "My Perfect Cafe".   Pretty much.