Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mosquitoes... OMG... Mosquitoes...

Yes, it's summer!   The trees are green again, the grass is growing, the snow has melted... into huge ponds... filled with mosquito larvae... hooray!

Walt and I haven't gotten a full nights sleep in over two weeks due to the bugs, bugs, bugs AND BUGS.   I think I might be slightly losing my mind.   I hear buzzing ALL THE TIME.   Well, that might not be insanity, because well, there literally ARE always bugs buzzing around me.   Like, EVEN NOW, as I type this, there is a dern mossie buzzing around my head.   OMG.

I'm heading up to old Fairbanks tomorrow, and OMG... I'm buying every mosquito killing devise I can find!   

Things other than mosquitoes.... which are not much...

Here's my sweet electric work truck... it goes up to 25 MPH!:)

Fireweed!  I thought it was pretty neat that it was growing through all the holes in the asphalt... life perseveres!   


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