Friday, March 23, 2012

Made the Cut, Got Me Some Lynx Butt

What's between Anchorage and Fairbanks?   Denali National Park!   

The Park Road is officially open! (until they close it for rough weather in a couple of days:)

Today was overcast and windy and cold, but I just couldn't resist doing some snowshoeing in the park.   The first 13 miles of the Park Road were just as I remembered them, except a little more wintery...

I parked my car at the Mountain Vista trailhead and headed out into the wilderness...

I figured with all the wind and snow approaching, I probably wouldn't see any animals out in the wilds.   I was right.   It was really amazing though just being alone out in the park, with the cold wind blowing snow into cyclones and hearing the hollow crunching sound of walking out on four feet of snow with a frozen layer on top.   I find it hard to believe this same landscape will be a tundra of greens and browns with tiny wildflowers and insects buzzing about in just a matter of months!   

Though I didn't see any animals on my trek, I did have a wonderful sighting on the drive out.   I saw a fairly large animal cross the road about 400 feet ahead.   At first I thought, it's either a sled dog or maybe if I'm lucky, a wolf. Then a second animal crossed the road after the first, and I noticed it had no tail... a LYNX!   While driving ahead, I rolled down the passenger side window to hopefully get an unobstructed picture of the big cats.   To my surprise one of the cats was just sitting on a snow pile RIGHT on the side of the road, staring at me.   I fumbled to get my camera on, but of course by the time I got it going, the lynx was traveling on.   Got some cute lynx butt shots though...

They are truly mystical creatures!   I love them almost as much as my little lynx at home:)   She's been enjoying the new toy I made for her from an empty vitamin bottle filled with beans and catnip with a knit covering... have I mentioned lately how glad I am Hadley appreciates my frugality?

Got my Nenana Ice Classic entries all entered and my fingers are officially crossed!   When you and your boyfriend breakup, it's sad... when the Nenana breaks up it's just good fun...

1 comment:

  1. good luck lindsay on the nenana ice classic! and lynx butt is the cutest - and so is hadley. and you. wish I was snowshoeing with you! x
