Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Mammalia Madness!

Ah March... not too different from January in some ways actually.   The temperatures have been hanging between 10° and -10°.   Not too cold, but not really warm either. I don't care what the locals say, it's not really "warming up out there":)  

HOWEVER, the main difference I notice this month is the... SUN!   It's been rising around eight in the morning, and then setting at about six-thirty at night.   Pretty much almost normal daylight hours!   Wow.   I can actually see the sun up in the sky above the mountains most of the day.   Soon enough I'll be complaining that I haven't seen a star in weeks:)   

Hadley's been enjoying her spot in the sun from the awesome cat tree I made from my cardboard box collection.   I love that my cat appreciates my frugality...

My new kitty is also enjoying the artificial heat from my table lamp, while helping(?) me make my puzzle...

Hadley is truly the light of my life!   I forgot that cats CAN love people!

Besides my playful new kitty, I've been watching THREE dogs this week.   Sweet, fluffy Tilly is back...

And also retired sled dog, Nike (on left) with wanna-be sled dog Chicken (on right)...

Nike has a super cute overbite that looks especially funny while he's eating his dog food soup...

I attempted to skijor yesterday, however having to deal with Tilly, Nike, Chicken and the random loose neighborhood dogs proved WAY too much for me to handle!   I just ended up skiing separately from the dogs while they ran along with me:)   I'm still too "green" on my skis to do anything too complicated.   Nike, with his years of mushing experience, just has that "really?" look on his face while watching me clumsily ski along.   

There has been a HUGE flock of Red Pole's at Tilly's house lately.   I throw seeds out in the morning, and by the afternoon the ground is spotless.  The boy birds look as though someone from PETA came by and threw paint on them for wearing feathers, while the girls look like they have a trendy red highlight... 

So hip!

In crafty news, I FINALLY finished my sweater!   I've had dreams about knitting it since last June, but to be fair, I didn't actually start working on it until a couple of weeks ago:)   It's made from about 90% Alaskan sourced yarn, and has my first attempts at felting for the pockets...

And, I managed to finish my puzzle, even after having to replace all the pieces Hadley would "help" me with.   It was nice working on it with her, as the title of this mosaic puzzle was, "Trust"...

I'm off to humble myself on the ski trails... stop looking at me that way Nike!

1 comment:

  1. Fun blog, as always. Love the pretty sweater-- perfect fit! M.
