Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dweller on the Threshold

Welcome to the vernal equinox!  We are now officially halfway between winter and summer... or, um, spring as most people call it.   Like, wow.  

March has brought some pretty interesting celestial phenomenons to be sure.  Mostly Aurora:)   The last solar flare event brought some truly AMAZING northern light shows for many days.   Here are some pictures from the last night of the event...

There is something so awesome and Alaskan feeling about sitting outside in the snow, watching the Aurora dance in the sky behind silhouetted spruce trees, while sled dogs howl in the distance.   All I needed was for a moose to walk by!   Do moose enjoy the northern lights I wonder?

I had recently noticed two very bright stars in the sky, that weren't in the sky last month.   Maizura informed me that they were Jupiter and Venus.   I was intrigued, so I looked it up, and indeed, this is an unusual event!

Venus-Jupiter Conjunction 2012!

There's a whole bunch of science stuff about "ecliptics" and "evening elongation" that I don't quite understand, but, suffice to say, it's pretty cool and is only occurring during March.   Apparently you can see Mars in the eastern sky, but my view is obstructed by mountains and trees I think.   Or maybe just clouds?   I'll keep checking!  

The plows have been going by and getting up the packs of snow/ice that have built up on the roads all winter.   I guess they figure the weather is mostly done with it's wacky winterings.   I know I sure wouldn't want to skid into these "snow" piles!

Another puzzle accomplished!   I had my doubts about this one, as all the pieces laying in the box resembled a Jackson Pollock painting.   Actually, the finished puzzle wasn't much more sensible...

Oh, wait...

Whoops, yes, yes Hadley, you're MUCH cuter than the puzzle...

There it is!

I'm now starting a new one that's not designed in the normal square/rectangle shape.   I have the bottom mostly done so far... know what it's going to be?

And finally, a tale of my misplaced Alaskaness...

A couple of days ago I decided it was time to clean the outside of my windows, as, it's spring right?   I mixed some glass cleaner with water in a bucket, and headed outside with my squeegee.   As soon as the water drips down the window, it freezes, as well, it's still 10° outside.   Geez.   So, I go back inside and heat some water up, pour it in a bucket to toss at the ice on the window.   It was a valid attempt, however most of the water just ended up on the cabin.   Hadley at least has a small area to watch birds out the window...

Lesson learned... 10° may be above 0, however it's still below freezing:)   I guess the windows will have to wait until summer...

1 comment:

  1. WOW, Indeed! Amazing Aurora, Adorable Hadley. Love You. M.
