Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012... Welcome to the FUTURE Present!

Is it just me, or do these 2012 or whatever dates still seem FUTURISTIC!?  Just me then...

Anyway... Happy New Year!!   Tonight, as I was watching my cute RomCom, drinking peach tea and knitting, I was wondering if this was the saddest NYE I've ever had.   AND, I decided it's not!   I believe my most pathetic NYE to be my first in Portland.   I had been working many hours at my soul sucking retail job as of late, and my only thanks was a terrible flu.   I remember resting on the couch NYE while looking at the clock that read 11:30, and thinking, okay, only half an hour more and I'll have made it to the new year.   THEN, waking up a little past midnight to the sounds of pots and pans being banged and firecrackers and hating my life.   SO, this year, not so bad:)

Instead of fireworks... I have Aurora!

Did I mention that it's been, like, COLD?   Well it has.   My thermometer says this...

BUT... holy crap... it really feels like at least -30°!   I guess it may be that cold when I get away from my cabin, right?:)   Cold is cold is cold.

I didn't plan my water usage very well, and ran out today.   I had my car plugged in for about three hours, and tried to start her up to go to the well.   She turned right over, but then the battery light came on and the engine sped up to the point it sounded like it was going to EXPLODE.   I turned her off.   Waited a few minutes, and tried again.   This time the battery light stayed on, the engine sounded like it was going to EXPLODE, AND a belt started squealing and sounded like IT was going to disintegrate, so I turned her off again.   I decided to load up the sled with the water jugs instead.   Did I mention how cold it was?   BUT, it was also REALLY pretty out...

It's a short trip to the well... maybe about 1/8th mile away.   HOWEVER, this deep coldness makes the trip pretty intense.   After I got home and got comfy, I really wanted a hot cup of tea... but it was not to happen since the water in my jugs actually partially FROZE on the walk home... drip... drip...

The weather is actually supposed to heat up to right around 0° tomorrow, so I should be able to try my car out again.   I'm thinking she may just have been low on oil, and the oil that was in her was pretty coagulated.   I brought my extra motor oil inside tonight to warm it up a little, and hopefully I can fill her up tomorrow and all will be right with the world!   Fingers crossed...

Loaf #3... garlic!

I managed to conquer that mosaic puzzle before 2012... HA!   It's your favorite butterfly Mom:)

Ah, my water has thawed enough to make some tea.   Time to greet the new year relaxed, but ready for whatever... mostly just cold.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lindsay Anne,

    Your blog is wonderful. Almost seems like I'm up there in Healy with you : )

    I do love the Monarch! I love your AMAZING photos, insightful/funny commentaries and, most of all, the opportunities to see your beautiful face.

    Stay Happy, Healthy and WARM,
    Your Loving M. XO
