Saturday, January 14, 2012

Annals Road Trip Update!

Yes, yes, it's true, Annals will be taking a trip in a couple of days.   First, ten days in the pretty much tropical locale of Colorado, and then a week in the "heart of the interior", Fairbanks.   I'm not getting out of here a moment too soon... 


The cold has really reached an amazing intensity!   My walk today didn't last more than twenty minutes before my fingers and toes started first throbbing in frozen pain and then lost feeling altogether.   I did however get my first view, since October, of that mysterious bright orb in the sky rising (barely) above the mountains...

The piles of snow around town are becoming quite monumental.   My car has been dwarfed...

Walking to my outhouse is like trekking down a deep, frozen pristine white cavern...

The poor stunted spruce trees can't stand up to the winter assault... drooooop

While walking about outside when the temperature drops below -20°, it's interesting to see the heat shimmers rising off of anything with even a LITTLE heat.  My vision is blurred whenever I breath out the warm, foggy air.   Even while just sitting outside, the heat rising off my FACE causes heat shimmers.  Then the warm, moist air around my face promptly freezes onto my eyebrows, eyelashes, nose hairs, hat and scarf, creating a web of frost and icicles across my head.   I have to wipe at my face every few minutes for fear of my entire face freezing solid.   Oh winter wonder water fun!   H2-Oh no!

I hit my stride with my fruit and veggie puzzle, and got that done before my trip, like a CHAMP!  Don't be TOO jealous Sarah;)

In baking news, I created a pretty amazing loaf... it's sourdough done in the style of ciabatta with garlic and jalapenos, yum!   My new starter (not named until it lives longer than a couple of weeks) is pretty awesome.   

I'm going to miss my sweet little cabin in the woods, but away I must go!  

Stay tuned for...
Breaking News from Breckenridge 
Fantasies from Fairbanks

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