Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Puzzling in Panguingue

Guess what??  Give up??  I got another extension cord!   So, I 'spose it's an extendedsion cord?  Har!  At any rate, now I'll be able to start old Darla the Moose Mobile in ANY negative weather.    BRING IT.  (famous last words?)

Another lovely day on Antares.   So named for the brightest star in the constellation Scorpio.  Other streets on my "subdivision"...

Altair - brightest star in constellation Aquila
Aldebaran - brightest star in constellation Taurus
Achernar - brightest star in constellation Eridanus
Arcturus - brightest star in North celestial sphere 

When I was first walking about my neighborhood, I thought someone just took out a dictionary and started at the A's with naming roads.   Apparently some more thought went into the naming:)    

I don't know much about stars and constellations, however, the night sky IS truly amazing out here!  I'd like to see if these named constellations correspond with the roads.   Astronomy here I come!

Wait... I'd have to put my knitting down right?   Maybe next winter...

I decided to try putting myself up to a more regimented life to curtail my knitting addiction.    I allow myself to knit for a couple hours after breakfast.    Then... puzzle time!

Ya, this one is GLOW IN THE DARK.   Pretty sweet, huh?   I ended up getting a bunch of puzzles with an Alaska theme.    So, it feels a little silly working hard on this puzzle that in the end will look like pretty much what I see out of my window.   Eh, it's not that much stranger than people watching TV shows about family life that resembles their own, right?    ALSO... puzzles... pretty sweet, right?    I think by the end of the winter I'll pretty much be an connoisseur of the puzzle.   Walt and I pretty much went INSANE on this gem...

To a trained puzzle eye, you'll notice how not only IDENTICAL the pieces are, but also how bland the colors are.   The redeeming part of this puzzle was that when you did get the RIGHT piece in, you KNEW it was right.    They would connect with a satisfying certainty.   With the new glow in the dark puzzle, the pieces have more personality, HOWEVER, they don't lock together with the same satisfaction.   I'm left wondering... is that really right?    

Oh puzzles...

Hey!    How about bunny tracks?    Pretty spoooooOooooooky looking, huh?

AND... vole tracks... pretty cute huh?

Breaking update!   New picture of my kitty, Ernesto Heinlein!

My parting thoughts are really more a lament of frost-nip.   OMG... long, boring story short... I got a little frost-nip (sad cousin to frostBITE) on a few of my toes a week ago.   Now, they itch like MAD.   It keeps me up at night.    It's the first thing I notice when I wake up.   Last thing I think of as I TRY to sleep.  My second to Big toe and tiny toe on my right foot feels as though they've been strung through with multiple thin strings and every time I take a step, they feel HORRIBLY awkward.   Calamine lotion?   PLEASE.    I have to go to Fairbanks?   UGH.   

In conclusion... 

Wear lots of layers when you go out in even kinda cold!
KNIT, it rules!
Puzzles are as much fun as TV!

Listening to: Supertramp station on Pandora (no matter who you are, try this one, it's the best:)

Reading: Denali: A literary Anthology

*Best Quote EVER...

"That moose we were looking at this morning, the Word's Tamest Moose?   I'd like to run up and kiss her on the mouth.   I really like her.   She has allowed me to see a lot of neat things over the years, and I really like her."
-Vic Van Ballenberghe (Denali's resident moosologist)

I'm sure you really like her Vic... I'm sure you do...


  1. OMG I commented a couple days ago (er, yesterday) - Hi!!! I didn't know you liked puzzles. I think you're amazing. I want to see a better kitty picture! eek I love your pictures. EEK I LOVE PUZZLES TOO. as soon as I looked at that finished masterpiece... whoa. I knew you must have puzzlin skills. eek I love you!!! Hope the frost nip goes away (it will, right?) - sounds like you have good reading, too! love!

  2. OMG Hi Icy Thighs!!!! Puzzles are really the best aren't they? I bet you have NO time for such frivolities, right? You RULE! I wish you were here and we could just puzzle the day away... sigh. I LOVE YOU!!! Smoooooooooooooch
