Friday, November 11, 2011

DGLM in the Snow

The snow here just never ceases to amaze me!  I know, I know, I've only been in it for a month, and I have many more to go, however, it's neat!   The only snow I've experienced, to my memory, has been in Oregon.  It usually isn't cold enough to really stick, and then when it does hang around, it's wet and thick.   It's great for making snowballs!  And snow forts!   And mostly just turns to ICE!   Not here...

The snow falling and blowing in Healy is light and fluffy!  Since the humidity is pretty much nil, the cold air is dry and crisp... leaving the snow likewise.  It really is neat!  Like sugarless cotton candy!  Inches and inches and inches of snow have piled up on my car and porch and EVERYWHERE!   At first I was like, "This is going to be a real shoveling ADVENTURE."   Turns out... not so much.   You can pretty much just blow on it to clear it.   Delicate like a souffle!   I have visions of myself coming down on the snow "pack" hard with my shovel and then slipping backwards with all my unneeded momentum to SHOVEL.  I'm learning... slowly...
Oh, my puzzle?  Thanks for asking, yes, I'm almost done!   Slated for completion this weekend...

My real life puzzle scene this morning...

BREAKING news (literally!)

Don't worry too much... a new circular needle is heading this way!   I was forced to read today and start a new knitting project on a sub-par needle.   I pretty much carried on!
Speaking of carrying on... I like JUST learned that Aimee Mann was in the band 'Til Tuesday, that sang "Voices Carry"!  I always thought the line in that song was... "hush, hush, keep it down now, this is scary"  Like I always say... live and learn!
A friend was talking about meeting a girl for a date from OK Cupid.   I remembered that I had joined that about seven years ago because I liked taking their silly quizzes.  I thought I'd log on to see if I still had a profile... and I did!  This was the first quiz result I happened upon...
The Maid of HonorDeliberate Gentle Love Master (DGLM)
The Maid of Honor
Appreciated for your kindness and envied for all your experience, you are The Maid of Honor.
Charismatic, affectionate, and terrific in relationships, you are what many guys would call a “perfect catch”—and you probably have many admirers, each wishing to capture your long-term love. You’re careful, extra careful, because the last thing you want is to hurt anyone. Especially some poor boy whose only crime was liking you.
We’ve deduced you’re fully capable of a dirty fling, but you do feel that post-coital attachment after hooking up. So, conscientious person that you are, you do your best to reserve physical affection for those you you can respect yourself.
Your biggest negative is the byproduct of your careful nature: indecision. You’re just as slow rejecting someone as you are accepting them.

P.S. Please don't worry about me... that "epic storm" that's going on is happening like hundreds of miles away from me.   I just have normal Healy wind and snow.   Alaska is HUGE!

Forced to read: The Sunlight Dialogues by John Gardner (he's AWESOME!)

According to OK Cupid circa 2004 I'm fishy, domesticated and tifty!

Goodnight from this deliberate gentle love master!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Deliberate Gentle Love Master,

    I'm so glad you're still alive and loving Healyness and Antares. :) Your puzzle looks cool - almost as cool as the scenery there. I have to confess: I've been showing your blog to people, not "on purpose" per se, but looking at it in public and people (if they're not complete strangers) ask, what's that? and I say... my cool friend is living in Alaska!!!!!! like a real Alaskan! I do hope you are eating well. no scurvy or anything bad allowed. do you have an Alaskan winter foraging book? maybe I should get you one. er, maybe you should stay inside. and maybe (not maybe, definitely!) I miss you! and I think you're swell. whew. and I love your blog posts. !!!
