Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sister! Moose, Mushrooms and Fabulous Fall!

Glorious, glorious times!   Alaska!  

Erika has come and gone... but the memories will last forever:)

Alaska State Fair, FOREIGNER, Chena Hot Springs, Spider Man pinball at Uncles Joe's Pizza and cards at the Park Woods Motel... all awesome, and all not caught on camera.  

Erika's trip into Denali Park WAS captured on "film"...

                                       Just the tip!

                                             Bou Butt!

                                           More Bou...


Before hitting up the lovely, soothing hot springs of Chena, Erika and I did a little hike... and found lots of SHROOMS!  


And then... MOOSE!  Pretty much the essential moose photos...

AND last but certainly NOT least.... FALL COLORS!  


Remember these guys?

Oh how times have changed... but the berries are still DELICIOUS...


And oh... the fireweed....


Five falls I've seen the color change... and every time is as amazing as the last.... Fall is awesome.


Fall in Alaska is truly a visual treat before the visual monotony of winter...