Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mosquitoes... OMG... Mosquitoes...

Yes, it's summer!   The trees are green again, the grass is growing, the snow has melted... into huge ponds... filled with mosquito larvae... hooray!

Walt and I haven't gotten a full nights sleep in over two weeks due to the bugs, bugs, bugs AND BUGS.   I think I might be slightly losing my mind.   I hear buzzing ALL THE TIME.   Well, that might not be insanity, because well, there literally ARE always bugs buzzing around me.   Like, EVEN NOW, as I type this, there is a dern mossie buzzing around my head.   OMG.

I'm heading up to old Fairbanks tomorrow, and OMG... I'm buying every mosquito killing devise I can find!   

Things other than mosquitoes.... which are not much...

Here's my sweet electric work truck... it goes up to 25 MPH!:)

Fireweed!  I thought it was pretty neat that it was growing through all the holes in the asphalt... life perseveres!   


Friday, June 7, 2013

Summer... Is... Here!

Memorial Day has come and gone and brought summer officially along with it!   Explosions of green EVERYWHERE!   It's really pretty crazy how quickly life begins to flourish again around here.   You can almost forget and months and months and months of cold, white snow that covered everything.  Almost...

Ernie has forgiven me for moving him, and is acclimating to and even ENJOYING his new home.   He's ventured outside to gum on the green grass and soak up the warm sun...

UNFORTUNATELY, the mosquito's have ALSO been taking advantage of the warm weather AND the ubiquitous amounts of water due to snow melt... and have multiplied to monstrous proportions.   OMG... it's seriously like a horror movie in our yard.   We have this giant Pit of Despair on our property... which is filled with stagnant water... and billions and billions and billions of mossie eggs and larvae.   Walt thinks we should call in Sigourney Weaver to obliterate these babies before they mature into full... blown... bloodsucking... VAMPIRES.   OMG... for real... I have to run the gauntlet of bugs just to use the outhouse in the morning.  Alas...kan tough!


And with summer comes... seasonal housing fun!   I started off as a seasonal worker four years ago, but I feel I progressed to being more or less a "local".  It's fun/funny to go to seasonal workers housing and see how they live though!   Walt and I went to his old stomping ground... Creek Side/Panorama Pizza...

                         I just graduated from high school... I'm not ready for college... so...............

                                                                 Parrotheads UNITE!

And... here's another visit to my "office".   I don't take for granted how much better than fluorescent lights and linoleum tiles this is...:)

Stay tuned for more COLORS!   The plants have greened up... next is FLOWER TIME!