Friday, December 21, 2012

End of the World, or at Least the Warmth...

Well, it's Winter Solstice time again!  Four hours of sunlight, and then twenty long hours of darkness.   And this is a COLD one!

The end times are supposed to be filled with fire and zombies and rising tides, but here in Healy we're all just slowly freezing to death.  It's still hard for me to get used to the fact that when I go outside, even for a MINUTE, I need to be wearing gloves or my hands begin burning and throbbing from the shear chill cold in the air.   Yesterday, after I finished washing dishes, I remembered that I had to plug my car in, and went right out.   My hand nearly froze to the handle of the door as I was closing it!  Gloves, gloves, gloves!

Winter in Alaska has it's many challenges, but the rewards are plentiful as well!  The daily visual splendors keep me in awe as I tediously plug, unplug, warm up and dig out my truck multiple times a day:)

OMG... IT'S HAPPENING, THE END!!!!  Oh, never mind... just old Aurora...

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