Saturday, November 24, 2012

Horseshoe Trek 2012

The time of holiday has begun!  Thanksgiving!  Black Friday!  Cyber Monday!  Horseshoe Lake Trek!  

I had company this year... and it wasn't the beavers...

The aforementioned rodents were no where to be seen.   There were however traces of their presence left in footprints across the lake.   Walt and I got to add our tracks along side them.   Walking across a lake hasn't lost it's magic yet:)

We also got to see the sun peek over the hills for a bit as well.  The time is swift approaching when we Healy-ites won't see that bright orb all day long...

The cats have been getting a little bit of cabin fever these days.  Birds!  Bunnies!  Why, oh why are we stuck inside??

Oh well, it's not so bad being Daddy's pillow I guess...

And... FINALLY... my afghan (or my death shroud as Walt calls it) is FINISHED...

Remember this?

A year later...

These hands were made for knitting, and that's just what they'll do, someday these hands will knit something new!:)


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