Friday, November 30, 2012

Crystal Crazy!

We're at Day 16 of clear, snow-less skies.  It has however been surprisingly calm as well, so the wild winds of Healy haven't blown all the snow away.  All the mounds of snow have grown a layer of ice over their undisturbed masses. There would appear to be fields of crystals for miles...

Every few nights when I would go for a walk, I would make a heart in the snow, and they're all still there even after weeks... winter graffiti!

Day 5...

Day 9...

Day 14...

It's frickin' cold...

Sunday, November 25, 2012


...I just don't even believe I live in such a wondrous place...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Horseshoe Trek 2012

The time of holiday has begun!  Thanksgiving!  Black Friday!  Cyber Monday!  Horseshoe Lake Trek!  

I had company this year... and it wasn't the beavers...

The aforementioned rodents were no where to be seen.   There were however traces of their presence left in footprints across the lake.   Walt and I got to add our tracks along side them.   Walking across a lake hasn't lost it's magic yet:)

We also got to see the sun peek over the hills for a bit as well.  The time is swift approaching when we Healy-ites won't see that bright orb all day long...

The cats have been getting a little bit of cabin fever these days.  Birds!  Bunnies!  Why, oh why are we stuck inside??

Oh well, it's not so bad being Daddy's pillow I guess...

And... FINALLY... my afghan (or my death shroud as Walt calls it) is FINISHED...

Remember this?

A year later...

These hands were made for knitting, and that's just what they'll do, someday these hands will knit something new!:)


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

And a Night of Moon Doggin'

The ice crystals hanging in the sub-zero air, that created the sun dog,  allowed for an even more rare vision of a moon dog.   

I apologize for the blurry picture, but my fingers didn't function for long in the -25° temperature.   Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sun Doggin' in Healy

And you thought it was all gloomy and dark in Alaska in the winter...

Ya, it's like THREE suns!

Friday, November 16, 2012

What Do You Know... It's Winter!

Well, winter's back! 

Seems like just last week I was winding down at work and closing it all up for the season.   Though now, over a month later, I'm in the very depths of winter!  Temperatures are descending into the negatives, and remaining there for most of the day.  

I went on a trip "Outside" to Portland in early October.   As Aurora and Healy were saying their goodbyes there was minimal snow on the ground that was barely sticking, and temperatures were only down to the 20's in Alaska...

Arriving in Portland, it was a warm and humid 60°.   There was of course plenty of that famous PNW rain however.  It sure is different being wet and warm rather than dry and cold.  I spent most of time in Portland playing pinball and walking all around the colorful, damp and dirty streets.  

After spending so much time surrounded by spruce trees, snow capped mountains and miles and miles of tundra, my eyes had a hard time adjusting to all the concrete, power lines and traffic.  There was still beauty in the reflective glass of buildings, the bright fall colors on the trees lining the streets, and of "alpenglow" on Big Pink (urban version of alpenglow on Denali?:) 

 Outside my old job...

                                         Second largest copper statue, after the Statue of Liberty

I even saw some Portland wildlife!

Now, I'm back home to Healy, and it is surely a winter wonderland!

It snowed so much in a couple of days, the top of this poor little spruce was weighed down with a cap of snow...

In final news for the day, the Denali National Park quarter was released yesterday!  They had the launch party right here in Healy at the community center.   The quarter features of course, Denali and a dall sheep.   The dall sheep is what inspired officials to make Denali a park and preserve oh so many years ago...