Saturday, September 22, 2012

And Alaska Shall Cleanse the Lands

It's the end of September, the end of the summer season, and the end of times.   Denali has had enough of the throngs of tourists tromping around her.  There's fire in the sky, hurricane force winds whipping through the canyons and the rivers have broken their banks to wash the landscape clean.  

Armageddon is here!

First, the "termination powder" began it's march down the mountains in an attempt to frighten the uninitiated...

The Sandhill Cranes, being smarter than tourists, took this cue to head south.  They swirled through the sky, slowly gaining height and breaking off into smaller groups to get away from the impending arctic blast...

Still the tourists came in on buses and trains and planes.   

Then came the winds.   Insanely high winds rushed across the interior of Alaska for two days, with gusts of up to 70 mph.   Trees came crashing down into power lines all along the Parks Highway, shutting power off for a 250 mile stretch from Fairbanks down to Cantwell.   All the gas stations were shut down as the pumps had no power.  Travelers were stranded with no fuel, and no way to buy food, booze or trinkets as shops were shut up until the power returned.  

Once the tourists could gas up their vehicles and were satiated with some keychains and Coke Zero, they moved on pretty quickly.   However, the cruise ships continued to transport people up to the interior via train.   

So, next came the floods.   Heavy rain in southern Alaska caused the rivers to swell and push over their banks.   Train tracks outside of Talkeetna washed away, stranding tourists going both south and north on the rails.   Tourism will NOT be stopped however, and buses were brought up to cart the weary travelers north to Denali.  The floods continued for days, doing their best to flush out the new arrivals...

 Hopefully Denali has finished with her wrath, and can rest easy now in peace and winter solitude.   

What a summer.

Time for me to go close up the Park Mart for another season.   Let the snow fall!

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