Thursday, January 12, 2012

Luck Be a Pink Lady Tonight

You know it's a special day when the "Red" apple choice at Minor's Mart is not the usual Red Delicious, but a Pink Lady.  Oh joy to my flavor starved palate!   One of the things I miss about the Pacific Northwest is surely all the marvelous apple choices... pink lady, jazz, fuji, honeycrisp, braeburn, ambrosia, oh my!   I will say though, I will not soon forget the crisp, wonderful apple of today:)

Along with my pink lady, I also picked up an Iditarod essential... 

Any Alaskan recognizes Tang as a cheap and yummy way to get your hard to find vitamin C.   Now, mush!   

This past week found me mostly indoors.   The weather has been pretty snowy and windy and generally not too welcoming for outdoor activities.  

I may not get to eat many fruits and veggies, but I can PUZZLE them! YUM!

I did manage a trip to the post office and found a couple of sweet late Christmas (or early birthday?) packages from my two Eds...



                                        (moose plush blanket)

and a sweet outhouse for my birds...

Now little Chirpee the Black-Capped Chickadee has FULL services...

Chirpee is just another amazing beast of the far north.   Both larger AND smarter than his southern cousins.   An observation I've made about animals in Alaska is that they tend to be larger and smarter as a rule when compared to their brethren in lower latitudes.   There is much less diversity in the north, so it seems like the few animals that do call this arctic wonderland home all year have more space and resources to go around.   Larger!   Though there are resources to be had, it can take "resourcefulness" to get to them in the frozen, interminable winter.   Smarter!   

In knitting, I've been really focused on MAGIC SCARVES.    Is it a scarf?   A cowl?   A hat?   A tube top?  You decide!

Also at the post office, I found my swimsuit edition Victoria's Secret catalog.   Thank god, just in time!   Almost time to hang up my snow pants and bunny boots...

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